Monday, November 12, 2012

Celebrity friends...

If you could befriend any celebrity who would it be? Who would you want to have a few harsh words with? There are not many but when they come along I truly feel like I understand their personalities. How strange since I've never actually met them but if you think about it, we judge people in this way all the time. How many times have you negatively judged someone because of what they were wearing or a mistake they made or just their mannerisms. Or alternatively, liked someone because of some revelatory statement that you agreed with? It happens.

For myself I will start by talking about the celebrities I think have cool personalities. The ones I watch and think we'd have so much fun hangin' out. Anyone who knows me will know who they are already: Firstly there is Bruno Mars. His music and style are a mixture of motown, R&B, rock n roll and even reggae. It really speak to me for some reason. When I hear him doing interviews or read his tweets I feel even more connected because I often think to myself "That sounds like something I would say". My interest in Bruno isn't really a sexual one at all. He is attractive but I'm more attracted to his personality and talent. I would like to have a game night with him and friends rather than a date night. He also has aspects that remind me of Michael Jackson, another character that I felt I could relate to.


The other person I would love to meet is Ellen Degeneres. She seems like a hoot and a half :) She loves to laugh and dance and she's uber positive. She just seems like someone who is down to earth and fun. I think seeing as her talk show is one of the most successful on TV and youtube now that many other people feel the same way I do.

Now for those celebrities that rub me the wrong way. Well this part I'll keep concise. I am not fond of Flava Flav, The Situation (from Jersey Shore) or Jeremiah from Breaking Amish. Mostly because they treat others wrongly or are self centered.

Who would you like to meet?


