Monday, April 21, 2014

I'm back

Hey y'all!

So I haven't posted on my lil ol' bloggy for ages! But I've finally decided it's time to update my humble page. If you've followed me on instagram (@iwonderifthisisthelongestname) then you probably know what has been going on. Firstly.... I GOT MURRIED Y'ALL! Lol
Yes, on December 14th (one day after my birthday) I had the privilege of marrying the love of my life before God, family and some of my dearest friends. It was the best day of my life... So far. My husband and I have been dating for just over 9 years now and we're still very much in Love... Thank God.

Secondly: We're having a baby! Yessiree I'm full of excitement, joy and a tiny human being lol We are expecting the little one by June 8th but I'm hoping they come just a tinsy bit earlier.

As for my diet, I have to be absolutely honest it has been virtually non existent and I've been indulging in a lot of unhealthy foods but I absolutely try to incorporate healthy foods and movement to my day as much as possible. I am however completely committed to getting my body back once baby comes and I have recovered from labor.

Well that's all for now my friends.

I hope you've all been having a great year so far.

Till next time
