Thursday, August 11, 2011

One more day... I'm so excited

So tomorrow at exactly 10:45pm I will be off on my European adventure. Woo hoo!!! Time has felt like it was moving at a snail's pace so far but now, on the eve of my flight I wish it would move even slower.... I must admit, I have a fear that the whole trip will go by in one big blurr and feel like it all never happened. I'm going to make a point of soaking in every single moment. I'll be like one of those nerdy tourists carrying their video camera and digital camera around everywhere they go. I still can't even believe this is going to happen, this was one of my bucket list items and soon I'll be able to cross it off.

I even made a new dress for the occasion (I learned how to make it by watching GiannyL on youtube). This was my second attempt at the dress and it turned out great!! Check it out.

In addition to seeing the beautiful and historical countries in Europe I'm super excited to meet my boyfriend's brothers. Those of you who know me, know that I am a super duper family oriented person. My cousins are my best friends in the world and I've been blessed with the most loving and fun family. Therefore, I'm so curious and excited to meet my other half's family since I already consider them a part of my own.

Also, to update everyone on my sugar addiction, I have started the Slow Carb Diet, from the book The 4-Hour Body by Tim Ferris. I've been on it for about 5 weeks and so far I lost about 8 lbs in total so I consider that a success but I'm not at my goal yet. In terms of sugar I do still eat it but the diet only allows me to have it one day a week so I eat all the sugar I want every Saturday and the rest of the week my sugar cravings are assuaged with gum (which happens to work quite well). I will try very hard to stick to my diet as much as possible while in Europe, we'll see how it goes.

It's so funny how life works, how much life can change from one day to the next. One day I'm down the next I'm up. I'm just thankful to God for all my blessings and I sincerely pray for all you who are reading this who are going through any kind of hard time that God may lighten your load and that you may come out of your dark time with a better understanding and appreciation for God and life.

Well that's all for now...

Lots of love


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