Wednesday, March 9, 2011


So I've been really busy (and continue to be very busy) this month with work and church related activities, (I love being busy) so I haven't had much time to actually blog. Well I thought today being the first day of lent I'd post a special message of encouragement. During these times of chaos and war (especially in the middle east) I want us all to remember that what unites us is our humanity. I know that not everyone believes in the same thing and not everyone believes in God but I know that most of us believe in kindness, respect and peace. So let's focus more on how we, individually, can make a difference instead of looking at what others are doing wrong. Why not have a goal this month of treating people extra kindly? Hold your tongue when you get frustrated with someone else. Go out of your way to help someone for no other reason than you see they could use the help (even if it inconveniences you). Be supportive of your friends and family when they are passionate about something. Think about your parents/grand parents and siblings and see what you could do for them that would surprise them and brighten up their day. Show GENUINE compassion when someone is sad or upset. Hold a door open for someone who isn't handicapped or pushing a stroller. Offer your seat to someone who isn't a senior or pregnant. Take notice of the quiet girl or guy at your office/gym/school and give them a smile and a few kind words. Why not?

Good deeds are contagious. There have been studies that have found that good deeds result in the pay it forward phenomenon where one kind deed multiplies as people pay it forward.

I really want to try and keep these positive feelings and images in mind as well as pray a lot more. I plan on using prayer as a tool to help me create a closer spiritual relationship with God. I've had times in my life where I've been close to him and time where I've been far and believe me when I tell you that there really really really is a huuuuuuuuge difference between the two in terms of how I felt about life, myself and others. So for lent this year I'm giving up sweets (except natural sugars like fruit/honey) this will be extremely hard to do for 40 days but I'll be praying about it and hopefully you guys could say a little prayer for me and others as well and I'll make sure to remember to say a prayer for all of you that read and follow my blog. So from now on I'll be focusing on acting sweet and not eating sweet lol (I know I'm a nerd).

Thanks for reading my blog everyone!

happy lenting
God bless!!!!


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