Monday, March 21, 2011


Hey everyone!

So I have not posted for quite a while I realize that. I've been busy with work and other activities at church and involving people from work (The Hospital for Sick Children Glee Club!! heehee). But I just wanted to give a brief update on how I'm doing with my sugar lent. Actually I'm very very happy and surprised to say that I've been doing pretty great! Since I started lent almost 2 weeks ago now I have not eaten any chocolate or sweets (unless you count the occasional spoon of sugar in my tea). And what's more surprising is how easy it is to control my cravings now! It's amazing because I've never been able to do this before. That just goes to show you that sometimes will power must come from somewhere bigger than yourself. Thank You God for helping me through this. Thank you for reminding me that all good things come from You.

On another note, I've recently been thinking a lot about the concept of forgiveness. What it means, how you use it and with whom. Christ's death on the cross was in order for us to receive forgiveness. The blood of the lamb as a sacrifice for all. Only God could pay that price for us because we needed divine forgiveness.
Now recently, there has been a lot of things going on and people who have been upsetting me and my loved ones. Those people don't feel that what they are doing is wrong. They show no remorse or regret. They show only arrogance and cruelty. How do we forgive those people? Are we even to forgive them? Can you forgive someone who doesn't ask for forgiveness? I came to the conclusion that the answer is yes. I came to my conclusion when I remembered what Christ said on the cross about the soldiers. "Lord forgive them for they know not what they do" - Luke 23:34. However, in an earlier passage Jesus says "If your brother or sister sins against you, rebuke them; and if they repent, forgive them." - Luke 17:3. So one could make an argument for either side. However, when I look at Jesus' overall behavior it seems to be more consistent with the first verse. After all, He did die for us without deserving it or even receiving any gratitude. It was only after people realized that He was indeed God.( - Philippians 2:5-6) that they acknowledged his sacrifice.

Well that was just a snipped of my personal reflection lately. I hope everyone has a great week. If you're having trouble with work or school or the people around you just try and remember not to retaliate by acting like them. If you do that you are giving up your integrity and letting them get the best of you. Remember, you are you! lol (sounds so silly I know) but what I mean is if you are a kind person don't let anger turn you into something else. Keep your moral integrity and let the other person see how strong an individual you are by not succumbing to their attempts at aggravating you. Stay true to yourself and surround yourself with positive energy and positive people. Remove yourself from the ugly situation by remembering that this person has personal issues that have nothing to do with you and you are blessed enough to have other people and things in your life that make you happy. Pray! You'll be very surprised to see how you find peace with God in your heart and in your life, even in the midst of adversity.

Well dear family and friends that's it for now.

Peace and Love


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