Friday, March 25, 2011

Funniest website EVER!!!

If I could give out awards to my favorite websites here are a few that would make the list:
- Kandee Johnson's blog
- Facebook (obviously)
- Sephora
- Groupon and Living Social
and... my new favorite!

Damn You Auto Correct!

Here's an example of what you'll find on their website:

Although I'm not a fan of vulgarity, this website is insanely hilarious. I can't help but laugh my socks off..

You guys MUST check out the website!

love and laughs..


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Oh Happy Day!

Hey everyone!

So I just thought I'd put up a quick post about things that make me happy! I look around at all the blessings I have in my life and I can't help but be filled with Joy. I have an apartment downtown, the cutest puppy, lots of clothing and food. I have my health and my sanity, I have the privilege of being educated and feeling safe and secure, but best of all... I have a plethora of beautiful and absolutely amazing people around me. I'm so lucky to have so many wonderful friends from all over the world, from every walk of life. The beauty that is found in everyone of them inspires me to be a better person. Some I am closer to than others but all of them are so wonderful and awesome and I feel so grateful and blessed to be part of their lives, even in the smallest way, and for them to be part of mine. I absolutely love to joke around with my friends and tease them and make them feel awkward, I think it's a trait that runs in my family (*cough cough* Sandra *cough cough*). I get a huge kick out of seeing their reactions when I send them bizarre text messages or emails or facebook messages. Sometimes I come up with, what I think are, clever games and questions to ask which make them question my sanity and their own but if I could make even just one of them smile then I will go on sending.

Of course I have to mention that I am absolutely grateful for my family. They are the warmest, kindest, funniest and most generous people I have ever encountered in my life.They may not be perfect but they're perfect for me. Nothing makes me happier than to hang out with them over a nice dinner or shisha lol and crack jokes about our fobbish family or friends. I remember when we used to make prank calls. My cousins were so much better at it than I ever was, I would always start to crack up mid-call. Or when we were really young (like between the ages of 7-10) and we would video tape ourselves doing the macarena ahahahah! We always have a great time when we're together. Thank you my aunts and uncles for being there for me when I needed you. For treating me like your own daughter. Thank you grandma for loving me more than anyone else in this world could ever love me. Thank you cousins for being my siblings and being there for me through the good times and the bad. Thank you my sister for always being real and being supportive and finally thank you to my mom, God couldn't have blessed me with a better mother. All the good things in me come from you.

I am so thankful to my Lord Jesus Christ for all these blessings but more than any of these things I am thankful to have Him as part of my life! No matter what happens in the future I pray that You will always be my driving force.

I know I'm so sappy right but sometimes I feel like I have so much love in me that if I don't let it out I'll just burst hahahaha.

Other smaller things that made me happy...

Victoria Secret body butters...

and... $5 v-neck Tees from Garage!
I love color!

Hope you guys are having a great week! If you're not try listening to this track. It might help

Smiles and Love :)


Monday, March 21, 2011

Curly blond and Jojo

Just wanted to post some pics that I took this weekend of myself with my blond hair (I know many of you haven't seen it live yet but yes I died my hair BLOND!!) lol and yes blonds do have more fun! lol

And now a close up.... don't get scared.

I don't talk about him much but he's one of the loves of my life. My beautiful adorable little Jojo.

He's super affectionate! Just like me! I absolutely love cuddling with him. But unfortunately I'm trying to sell him to a good home because I want to do a Europe trip this summer and I can't afford to keep him in a doggy day care for that long. My heart breaks just thinking about it. If anyone knows someone who would have a good home for him, I'm selling him for only $500 OBO including all his stuff (i.e. crate, bed, brush, shampoo, towels, nail trimmer, winter coat, winder boots, leash, blanket, food etc..) He is housebroken and has had all his puppy shots, but I didn't have the guts to get him neutered (I was too scared he'd loose his spunk). I'm in no rush to sell him but I do think it would be best for both of us if he went to a happy home with a dedicated owner and possibly kids since he's got so much energy. I love my little Jojinshka (that's what I call him heehee) I wish I could keep him forever :(

Love, Peace and Jojinshkas



Hey everyone!

So I have not posted for quite a while I realize that. I've been busy with work and other activities at church and involving people from work (The Hospital for Sick Children Glee Club!! heehee). But I just wanted to give a brief update on how I'm doing with my sugar lent. Actually I'm very very happy and surprised to say that I've been doing pretty great! Since I started lent almost 2 weeks ago now I have not eaten any chocolate or sweets (unless you count the occasional spoon of sugar in my tea). And what's more surprising is how easy it is to control my cravings now! It's amazing because I've never been able to do this before. That just goes to show you that sometimes will power must come from somewhere bigger than yourself. Thank You God for helping me through this. Thank you for reminding me that all good things come from You.

On another note, I've recently been thinking a lot about the concept of forgiveness. What it means, how you use it and with whom. Christ's death on the cross was in order for us to receive forgiveness. The blood of the lamb as a sacrifice for all. Only God could pay that price for us because we needed divine forgiveness.
Now recently, there has been a lot of things going on and people who have been upsetting me and my loved ones. Those people don't feel that what they are doing is wrong. They show no remorse or regret. They show only arrogance and cruelty. How do we forgive those people? Are we even to forgive them? Can you forgive someone who doesn't ask for forgiveness? I came to the conclusion that the answer is yes. I came to my conclusion when I remembered what Christ said on the cross about the soldiers. "Lord forgive them for they know not what they do" - Luke 23:34. However, in an earlier passage Jesus says "If your brother or sister sins against you, rebuke them; and if they repent, forgive them." - Luke 17:3. So one could make an argument for either side. However, when I look at Jesus' overall behavior it seems to be more consistent with the first verse. After all, He did die for us without deserving it or even receiving any gratitude. It was only after people realized that He was indeed God.( - Philippians 2:5-6) that they acknowledged his sacrifice.

Well that was just a snipped of my personal reflection lately. I hope everyone has a great week. If you're having trouble with work or school or the people around you just try and remember not to retaliate by acting like them. If you do that you are giving up your integrity and letting them get the best of you. Remember, you are you! lol (sounds so silly I know) but what I mean is if you are a kind person don't let anger turn you into something else. Keep your moral integrity and let the other person see how strong an individual you are by not succumbing to their attempts at aggravating you. Stay true to yourself and surround yourself with positive energy and positive people. Remove yourself from the ugly situation by remembering that this person has personal issues that have nothing to do with you and you are blessed enough to have other people and things in your life that make you happy. Pray! You'll be very surprised to see how you find peace with God in your heart and in your life, even in the midst of adversity.

Well dear family and friends that's it for now.

Peace and Love


Wednesday, March 9, 2011


So I've been really busy (and continue to be very busy) this month with work and church related activities, (I love being busy) so I haven't had much time to actually blog. Well I thought today being the first day of lent I'd post a special message of encouragement. During these times of chaos and war (especially in the middle east) I want us all to remember that what unites us is our humanity. I know that not everyone believes in the same thing and not everyone believes in God but I know that most of us believe in kindness, respect and peace. So let's focus more on how we, individually, can make a difference instead of looking at what others are doing wrong. Why not have a goal this month of treating people extra kindly? Hold your tongue when you get frustrated with someone else. Go out of your way to help someone for no other reason than you see they could use the help (even if it inconveniences you). Be supportive of your friends and family when they are passionate about something. Think about your parents/grand parents and siblings and see what you could do for them that would surprise them and brighten up their day. Show GENUINE compassion when someone is sad or upset. Hold a door open for someone who isn't handicapped or pushing a stroller. Offer your seat to someone who isn't a senior or pregnant. Take notice of the quiet girl or guy at your office/gym/school and give them a smile and a few kind words. Why not?

Good deeds are contagious. There have been studies that have found that good deeds result in the pay it forward phenomenon where one kind deed multiplies as people pay it forward.

I really want to try and keep these positive feelings and images in mind as well as pray a lot more. I plan on using prayer as a tool to help me create a closer spiritual relationship with God. I've had times in my life where I've been close to him and time where I've been far and believe me when I tell you that there really really really is a huuuuuuuuge difference between the two in terms of how I felt about life, myself and others. So for lent this year I'm giving up sweets (except natural sugars like fruit/honey) this will be extremely hard to do for 40 days but I'll be praying about it and hopefully you guys could say a little prayer for me and others as well and I'll make sure to remember to say a prayer for all of you that read and follow my blog. So from now on I'll be focusing on acting sweet and not eating sweet lol (I know I'm a nerd).

Thanks for reading my blog everyone!

happy lenting
God bless!!!!


Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I wish there was an inpatient rehab clinic for sugar addicts. I've been struggling so much with my addiction to sugar. I wish I could say that the honey and fruits completely eliminated my cravings but they don't. I've been trying to at least attempt to eat healthy meals whenever I can. I tried to make the coconut chicken (recipe in one of my previous posts) and it turned out dry :S I'm not good at making chicken it always somehow turns out dry and flavourless. I was told by a good friend that I should marinate it the night before then boil it with some onion and spices then fry it. I haven't tried that yet so we'll see how it goes. Honestly I think psychologically I may not be where I need to be to completely cut out processed sugar. Although I'm very scared of getting diabetes and my teeth rotting and falling out, I somehow feel like for now I should enjoy the sugary goodness of chocolate, pastries and candy while I still can. I know it's totally wrong and unhealthy and dangerous but that's why it's an addiction. It's an excessive behaviour that I can't stop on my own. Any suggestions? I'm still gonna try to stay away from the sweets but you'd be surprised how much of a mood booster they are for me. Making excuses, pathetic I know. I guess I'm just weak when it comes to sugar.

Today so far for example I've had:

Shredded wheat cereal
Lentil and spinach soup
"greek" salad (basically just a garden salad with feta cheese and some balsamic vinaigrette)
and a skore chocolate bar (I couldn't resist and it had the least amount of calories compared to other chocolate bars)