Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I tend to be very nostalgic a lot of times. Remembering bits and pieces of things that used to sooth or entertain me as a child. Here are some of my favorite things when I was little:

Many many nights, my sister and I would fall asleep to Dumbo after having cookies and milk... something about that movie was so comforting and in combination with the yummy fudge cookies it was such a treat

 The Last Unicorn was a gift given to me by one of my relatives (can't remember who) but I loved that movie, I still remember the song it was really pretty.

 Alvin and the Chipmunks were one of my favorite cartoons of all times

 Blossom was always such a fun show.. I'll never forget the episode where she acts like Madonna

 I had this and a few other barbies growing up, I remember the sweet smelling solid perfume this barbie came with and how I used to design and sew little clothes for all my barbies

 I grew up in a french school in downtown Toronto and the school was very small but one thing I remember is the J'aime Lire collection we had in our humble library. I loved reading those books because the illustrations were so vivid and the stories were so cute.

This show used to come on right before the Mickey Mouse Club on the Disney Channel and I used to love watching it, all the skits and music were awesome!

When I was very little I used to love Jem because she was just like a cartoon Barbie! The show went off the air though when I was very young so I didn't watch too many episodes.

This video of Madonna's song Who's That Girl always reminds me of the 80s because of the clothing. I loved Madonna's music growing up.

The elephant show was another of my favorites as a kid! I'm lucky to have grown up in Canada where we had awesome kids shows. That mixed education and entertainment.

Another Canadian classic kids show was Today's Special... About a store mannequin who came alive after night when you said "hocus pocus alimagocus"

There are lots of other things that make me nostalgic about my childhood like Camp Caribou, Boy Meets World, Snakes and Ladders etc...
What kind of stuff do you miss?



Monday, January 23, 2012

Mosaic Nails!!

Hey everyone!!!

I saw this nail tutorial on YouTube on mosaic nails I liked the finished product so much when I tried it on myself that I thought I'd do my own video tutorial on how to make stained glass mosaic nails. Here is the technique with a few colour varieties:

If you use bright contrasting colours it can have a more "pop art" look

I like to use 3-4 colours that are "similar" in shade and 1 or 2 contrasting colours that pop

Here's the tutorial video for the last picture... I know it's kind of shown quickly but hopefully you guys get the idea:

Watch it here on YouTube

Thanks guys!

Lots of Love


Friday, January 20, 2012

How to style naturally curly hair.

Hey guys,

So there's not as much out there about styling curly hair and which products work. I recently got a special request to do a video about how to style curly hair. So here it is y'all enjoy!



Thursday, January 19, 2012

Contstant change

Hey guys,

So for those of you who know me, you know that the only thing that is ever truly constant about me is change. I love to try new things and I want to experience the world. In the last 6 months here are some of the different looks I've had:

So as you can see I'm a real life shape shifter... or at least hair shifter lol.What are some of your favorite hair styles and looks?



Diet update

Hey everyone!

So I'm back on my original Four Hour Body diet with some slight modifications. For example, one of the rules of the diet is no fruit except on my dieters gone wild day once a week. Well I've modified that to having one serving of fruit a day. Also, I do have dairy in my coffee every day as well. So far I've been back on it for about 2 weeks and I haven't lost any weight!!!! WTF(What the Fat) is up with that??!! Well I'm staying optimistic and I will keep on going for at least a few months an then see where I am.



Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Years Resolutions!

Hey everyone!

Ok firstly... Happy New Year!!!!! It's already 2012! Can you believe it? I always feel like every year seems to go by faster than the last.. I know I have not blogged in a long time but I guess that's just because I was extremely busy the last few months so I hope you all are doing well and are healthy. As for my health... well let's just say the Holidays agree with my lips but not really my hips lol Too much sweets and good food. However, with the start of the New Year comes another opportunity for redemption and a fresh start. I'm going to go back on my diet with a few slight amendments but in full force nonetheless. I honestly think the secret to successfully eating healthier is filling up on liquids. It makes you less hungry and gives the illusion that you are full, so here we go again and hopefully this time it will stick.

Thinking about New Years usually gives people hope. Many of us create new years resolutions for ourselves. It may be to lose weight, make more money, find true love, find yourself or become enlightened and knowledgeable. Whatever it is, I think there is one important thing to consider when coming up with your new years resolution:

1. Is this resolution for yourself or for someone else?

For this reason I think it's a good idea to create 2 New Years resolutions. One that is to benefit you and the other to benefit others. For example my 2 New Years resolutions are 1. To lose 20lbs and 2. To encourage one person a day... anyone but ideally a stranger or someone I'm not close to.

Think about what would be suitable resolutions for you and start to put practical measures in place to achieve them. You can do it! Surround yourself with encouragement and positive energy and people and you will be happy.

Well that's all for now folks.

If you like reading my posts please follow my blog!

