Sunday, June 22, 2014

Welcome Elijah!

On June 14th, 2014 Dumo and I were blessed to receive a new reason for living. His name is Elijah after the great prophet of the old testament. We know that he too will be great.

It has been the most challenging and yet most rewarding week of my life. We are both getting accustomed to one another and it has been an emotional roller coaster but more than anything I have felt my heart grow every time I look at him. I've experienced a lot of love in my life but I think the love I have for my son may be the most powerful I have yet experienced and it makes me wonder about the kind of love God feels for his children.

It has also taught me a great deal about myself. I've always though of myself as a pretty calm and collected person but if you looked at my behaviour this week you'd probably never know that. I have been a wreck of panic each time he does something unfamiliar which is almost everything since I've never been a mother before. But, I am slowly learning every day and I cherish every moment with him, even the challenging ones.

You guys will have to excuse me for not really posting any pictures I just feel he is too young and it's an area of my life I'm very protective of. However, if you'd like to see some just ask me and I would be happy to send some to you privately.

Well that's all for now loves


Sunday, June 8, 2014

Due date and hospital

Well everyone, today is baby's official due date and what do you know, I'm currently at the hospital with my husband. You'd think I l would be wheeled down to the delivery room with Dumo by my side making sure I'm not passing out from the labour pain. Ironically however, we are not at the hospital for me at all. Baby is still snug and cozy in my womb. We are here for hubby.

He tore his achilles tendon playing soccer  yesterday and we are now here to repair it.  He could be out of commission for several weeks or even months. Talk about timing.

I believe everything happens for a reason though and that includes this injury as well as baby still sitting in my belly. I think this will also make a great story to tell the baby when he or she gets older.

Well that was my very brief update for now. Hopefully I'll be posting a new post soon about our new little one arriving.

Much love
