Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A morning in the life....

So I thought I'd just share some typical pics of my morning at work.

That's my view from the window behind me. I'm at reception so I get these big bright windows to let in light. Yay! (notice the red cap on the right, that's my fire marshal hat because I'm the fire marshal for our floor :)

I love to nibble on things while at my desk. 

I have a lot of nervous habits that I use to self soothe like twirling my hair or bouncing around on my yoga ball at work. It's super fun when there's music to bounce to :) Not to mention I can throw in a few quick crunches when no ones around Hee Hee : D

Another fun thing at work is my Tinkerbell cup. My step sister Simone bought it for me for my birthday a few years ago and I still use it. It's my absolute favorite mug.

A few other trinkets at my desk: My bike helmet (I ride the bixi bikes to work from home every morning), some bridal magazines for my beautiful cousin Mireille (which I have yet to give her.. :s sorry Mireille) some generic Tylenol pills, some multivitamins (which I never take because they smell and taste like poo). Some lotion, a little stuffed koala that my boss Andy gave me when he came back from Australia and a little bucket that I sometimes use to eat my cereal (I didn't have a bowl and the shop downstairs didn't sell any bowls but they were selling a kids sandbox kit at the time and I thought, this will do the trick lol.)

Well I hope you guys are having a great week and a beautiful day.

Love you all


Friday, May 11, 2012


This weekend is mother's day!!! God knows mothers are the most precious gift that is given to us. They represent a taste of God's love for us. That unconditional, moving land and sea to make your children happy and healthy, kind of love. Ideally we should make sure our mothers feel appreciated every day but I know that personally I don't do that. - sorry mom :(  However, mother's day is a great reminder of the blessing we all share, mothers! Even if all she did was give birth to you, be grateful for that. So to my mom and all the others, I just want you to know that I really really appreciate you and all the advice and love you give, thank you for believing in me and for being there for me at times when no one else was.

Love you mom to death and beyond!!!!!!


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What is Beauty?

Thank God beauty is in the eye of the beholder. However, sometimes I think there is such a thing as universal beauty. It seems no matter where you go in the world men and women seem to prefer Caucasians, light eyes, long silky hair and smaller features. I definitely see the beauty in that image and I've kind of been thinking that it isn't fair to say that the "barbie" look is fake or unrealistic because there are a significant number of people who actually look like that. However, as I said earlier thank God different people are attracted to different features because it can really do a number on your self esteem if you only believe there is one type of beauty.

Recently I saw this commercial... I believe it was for Victoria Secret and what struck me about it was that the models, although different races, all looked exactly the same except for their skin tone and hair colour. Otherwise their features were similar, their hair texture was similar and their bodies were virtually indistinguishable from each other...I found that very interesting.

I do feel however, that our society is becoming more aware of the limits we put on beauty in the media. There is not just one kind of figure that's beautiful or one kind of face or one kind of hair type. Also, I know it's cliche but it's so true, beauty really is on the inside. How many time have you thought someone was beautiful until they opened their mouths? And the reverse is true as well, how many people did you find average looking at first and as they revealed their beautiful spirit and personality you realized how gorgeous this person really was.

I think the bottom line is beauty is in everyone and everything, sometimes it's just not as obvious. Also, people have no control over what they look like (more or less) but they can control how they behave so they should only get credit for the latter don't you think? It really doesn't matter how beautiful your face or hair or body is if you have an ugly heart.

lots of love


The Power of Music

It always amazes me how music moves us so much. It's beyond explanation. The way it evokes such strong emotions. Because of that and because I'm a pretty emotional person naturally I avoid sad or slow music like the plague lol. It depresses me. I know, however that many people love listening to sad music more than happy upbeat music. I can understand the allure, it's soft and emotional and beautiful and often thought provoking. Below are some of my favorite slow/sad songs:

All of these songs move me in one way or another, they are all really beautiful. I don't think it's even possible to listen to them and NOT feel something.

However, as I said earlier, I don't listen to sad/slow music a lot because it's kind of a downer. Instead let me also share some of my favorite upbeat songs. I listen to various genres so here are just a few:

I hope that you guys got introduced to something new and exciting through this post. Music is like food for the soul. :)



Tuesday, May 8, 2012

5 very difficult things to do to be truly happy!

Hey all, so today I felt like sharing my wisdom with you all... lol what little God has granted me. There are tons of books and movies and shows all giving advice on how to be happy. They usually say things like meditate and stay positive and do things for yourself etc... which is all great in theory but I find that in practice it doesn't lead to long term happiness. I believe real happiness isn't so easy to achieve and requires a lot of effort on our part but it's totally worth it in the end. Here are 5 things that I personally have found to lead to deep meaningful happiness that lasts.

1. Be Selfless: I sometimes tell people I meet that if I could create my own Utopia it would be a world where every single creature on this earth put others before themselves. A concept that at first seems kind of crazy because people will right away question "well what if people take advantage", but think about it, if every person on this earth did that, then for every person that you are sacrificing for there are over 100 willing to do that for you. There would be no more need for money because there would be no poverty, everyone would feel loved and depression would cease to exist because no matter how bad things get people around you are always there to lift your spirits. It's easy for us to say things like "all that matters is that you love yourself" but the reality is that we do not live on this earth alone. We were not created to survive completely alone. We rely on each other and our communities whether you like it or not. Therefore, we should also as a community encourage each other with sincerity and true love for one another. I believe loving someone feels just as good as being loved. So try that out... don't be afraid that people will hurt you or use you, and if you are still not convinced, maybe you should question your circle of friends and ask yourself, are these people truly my friends if I'm so scared that they will use me?

2. Forgive: Definitely one of the hardest things to do ever!! Especially if you have blatantly been wronged and the person shows no remorse. But there are 2 truths about forgiveness that are important to true happiness:
  1.  Forgiving does not mean forgetting. Forgiving someone does not mean that you must act like the wrong thing never happened. It does not mean that whatever wrong he did was erased but instead think of it like this: You are saying to that person who wronged you that they do not have to pay the debt. Instead you pay the debt for them through your pain. Why should I pay for the thing they did wrong to me you ask? because of truth number 2
  2. Forgiveness is not something you do for the other person, it's something that you should do for your own happiness. Think about it, this person that wronged you, wherever they are they are probably not worrying about what they did to you or if they are paying the price that doesn't remove the burden of anger and bitterness from your heart and mind. You are the one living with this darkness that you hold on to. You must let go of that anger and bitterness. Emancipate yourself from your misery and move on to allow healing and restoration. 
An important note about these truths, they do not come instantly and that is OK and normal. It takes time for the heart to heal which is fine. Someone does something against you and you are angry and hurt, that's completely understandable but what I am talking about is clinging to that feeling for long periods of time. Everyone is different and needs different amounts of time to grieve or process things but the thing I want to stress is not to sulk or dwell on these emotions but instead try and use them for good. For instance, when someone does something wrong to you say to yourself "wow that felt really terrible, I'm going to make it a point not to do that to someone else" instead of saying "well I had to go through that so you should also have to go through that."

3. Live in the Moment: You hear people say this a lot but it's quite difficult to do because our culture was designed to cater to the future. Some friends and I were just talking about this yesterday. From a young age it is drilled into our subconscious "Suffer now so that 10-30 years down the line you may be happy" but personally that has not worked for me. I just end up suffering now and probably also suffering later lol. We always say life is short but most people don't realize just how short until they lose a close loved one. That's when many people wake up to the fact that you must seize the day and make the best out of your situation now. Find the smallest things that make you happy and make sure you take the time to really be thankful for them and appreciate them. Sometimes it's just a great cup of coffee or a blue sky or a great song or a friendly co-worker or the smell of the bakery in the morning. No matter what little indulgence you enjoy, make sure that you focus on it at that time and don't let it escape. You'll find that by doing this your mood and spirit will lift significantly. I find some of the most unhappy and unpleasant people are those who are completely focused on their future and don't make time in the now for little pleasures. I'm not saying to live as if now is the only moment but I think the now should be your MAIN focus and the future should take second. It's counter intuitive but if you really want to be happy you must make the most of your time now.

4. Smile and Laugh: I love to crack jokes and pranks even at work, it just makes life more interesting and people tend to feel more comfortable with someone who doesn't take themselves too seriously. A word of caution, crack jokes and pranks when it's appropriate to do so. I wouldn't recommend pranking your boss during a business meeting or anything like that. There are harmless jokes and pranks you can make that will liven up your day and your co-workers day. Another thing I once heard and it seems to be true for me is smile more, even when you're by yourself, you'll find that it does something to your brain... almost like a quick pick me up endorphin or something. Just the act of smiling will boost your mood. If anything it will make you feel like a total goof and make you laugh at the sight of yourself. A friend told me that he smiles at people just walking down the street, now personally this is a tough one for me, I don't think I can go that far but if you can, then by all means go for it! People might look at you funny but who cares, maybe someone will appreciate it and at least you will be in a good mood.

5. Move: Did you ever notice how positive and energized you feel after working out or doing some work outdoors or running or dancing? That's because being active releases endorphins that make you feel good. Do this on a regular basis and you'll feel good inside and out. You'll be healthier and feel more positive. Not everyone likes the same types of activities so find the one that you enjoy most. Some people like to run, others like martial arts, others like dance and still others like yoga or tai chi. Whatever your activity, try and stick to it and do it as much as you can and you'll see how much happier you will become. Also, I would strongly advise not waiting on others to do your activity. Take a chance and go out on your own... you won't be on your own for long if it's a group activity, you'll soon make friends with like minded people who are also interested in the activity you're doing and that will encourage you to stick to it. Trust me, that is much better than dragging your friend along who does not really want to be there in the first place and then if they don't like the activity they will discourage you from going again. No matter what the activity just start somewhere and the world has a way of encouraging positive actions.

I hope you guys enjoy my tips, all these tips in combination are, I believe, the key to true happiness. Enjoy life and the blessings it brings.

Until the next post



Monday, May 7, 2012

Once upon a time...

Ok everyone who knows me knows how much I love fantasy. I have only 2 TV shows that I watch religiously... Glee and Once Upon A Time. For those of you who have NOT watched Once Upon a Time (OUAT) you MUST start! It is one of the best TV shows on right now and so well put together, every week a new twist. It's the kind of show that you'll be talking about all week. The characters are complex, there are so many things that are not as they seem. So for those of you that are now interested in starting to watch the show you can catch all the episodes on the FastPass TV website. Don't keep reading from here on because it will be spoiling the show for you, go watch it first then come back here for discussion purposes.

So in the latest episode "An Apple as Red as Blood" it ends with Henry sacrificing himself in order to get Emma to believe in the curse to which she is the only savior. There's only one more episode until the season finale... do you think she'll finally believe? Personally I think Regina will probably play it off like "oh Henry just has diabetes and the sugar overload made him pass out into a coma." We'll see.

Also, August Booth was talking to someone on the phone when he was about to take Emma to the woods to try and convince her that the stories are real and she's the savior. Who do you think he was talking to?

Also, what about Rumpelstiltskin's son or the Hatter's daughter? And how does Henry's story work out? We know he was named after Regina's father but he was born in the current world and somehow made it to Storybrooke under Regina's care. 

I can't wait to see how the story develops. I love this show. 




I don't know if it's the reemergence of the sun or all the fantasy filled films, tv shows, music videos and books but I can't help but feel moved and inspired by the world around me. I'm so lucky to have mostly positive influences in my life and above all else a God who loves me despite all my shortcomings. At times we all have those days when we feel inadequate and unworthy but thankfully God reminds us with the little things that every single one of us is special and worthy.

I've always been a philosophical person but lately I feel like I've been receiving so many new inspiring messages. The most recent revelation has been that we all share something in common when it comes to our purpose on earth and that something is: that we are all here for one another. No one has been put on earth to merely be a success for themselves but instead the true purpose is to be a blessing in each others lives. You never know who you might touch or influence so always try to behave as if someone who looks up to you is watching.

I am so very grateful for the people around me, they have been my greatest blessing. I know I say it a lot but that's just because I feel so strongly about it. I'm so thankful for my spiritual family in Christ who encourages and cares for me without needing anything in return. I'm so thankful for my friends from all areas of life, I cherish them all for different reasons, my girls who make me laugh and remind me what a real woman is, my cousins who make me feel loved, my boys who make me feel comfortable and the deep and meaningful discussions they all bring (as well as the silly jokes). I learn so much from you all and I love learning. Even the dance teachers at Joy of Dance, you guys are so inspirational to me, your passion and positive attitude truly reveal your beautiful spirits and I look up to that. My co-workers, I'm so lucky to be working with such a great group of human beings, especially the ladies who have been so supportive and so positive and such strong role models for me. I love you all. Of course, I've said it a million times, my family has been such a strong foundation for me and my life. No words can describe what they mean to me.

The sun is finally coming out... after the spring showers we're gonna see lots of beautiful summer flowers. I love nature and wish I could spend more time out in it. I wish I could travel more and see the rich beautiful jungles, mountains, grasslands, deserts, temples, waterfalls, castles, gardens, churches, museums, historic sites, oceans, islands, coves etc.. I could go on and on. The world is so adventurous and so beautiful and so very complex. Think about it, right at this moment, while you are reading this, someone is getting married in African or Asia or South America and at the exact same time, someone is going to work on a gondola in Venice and at the same time someone is giving birth and someone else is sleeping under the stars and someone else is working at the hospital and someone else is picking through the garbage and someone else is looking out over their farmland and someone else is working in a crowded factory. We are so narrow minded sometimes to think that our situation is the only important thing that's going on right now... when we stop to think of the magnitude of our planet and the people on it, our issues seem silly. Embrace the small beautiful things around you and you will be so much happier, don't let your happiness rest on materialistic gain because then you will never be satisfied. Just know that you are loved simply because you're here!

Tata for now...
