Monday, May 7, 2012


I don't know if it's the reemergence of the sun or all the fantasy filled films, tv shows, music videos and books but I can't help but feel moved and inspired by the world around me. I'm so lucky to have mostly positive influences in my life and above all else a God who loves me despite all my shortcomings. At times we all have those days when we feel inadequate and unworthy but thankfully God reminds us with the little things that every single one of us is special and worthy.

I've always been a philosophical person but lately I feel like I've been receiving so many new inspiring messages. The most recent revelation has been that we all share something in common when it comes to our purpose on earth and that something is: that we are all here for one another. No one has been put on earth to merely be a success for themselves but instead the true purpose is to be a blessing in each others lives. You never know who you might touch or influence so always try to behave as if someone who looks up to you is watching.

I am so very grateful for the people around me, they have been my greatest blessing. I know I say it a lot but that's just because I feel so strongly about it. I'm so thankful for my spiritual family in Christ who encourages and cares for me without needing anything in return. I'm so thankful for my friends from all areas of life, I cherish them all for different reasons, my girls who make me laugh and remind me what a real woman is, my cousins who make me feel loved, my boys who make me feel comfortable and the deep and meaningful discussions they all bring (as well as the silly jokes). I learn so much from you all and I love learning. Even the dance teachers at Joy of Dance, you guys are so inspirational to me, your passion and positive attitude truly reveal your beautiful spirits and I look up to that. My co-workers, I'm so lucky to be working with such a great group of human beings, especially the ladies who have been so supportive and so positive and such strong role models for me. I love you all. Of course, I've said it a million times, my family has been such a strong foundation for me and my life. No words can describe what they mean to me.

The sun is finally coming out... after the spring showers we're gonna see lots of beautiful summer flowers. I love nature and wish I could spend more time out in it. I wish I could travel more and see the rich beautiful jungles, mountains, grasslands, deserts, temples, waterfalls, castles, gardens, churches, museums, historic sites, oceans, islands, coves etc.. I could go on and on. The world is so adventurous and so beautiful and so very complex. Think about it, right at this moment, while you are reading this, someone is getting married in African or Asia or South America and at the exact same time, someone is going to work on a gondola in Venice and at the same time someone is giving birth and someone else is sleeping under the stars and someone else is working at the hospital and someone else is picking through the garbage and someone else is looking out over their farmland and someone else is working in a crowded factory. We are so narrow minded sometimes to think that our situation is the only important thing that's going on right now... when we stop to think of the magnitude of our planet and the people on it, our issues seem silly. Embrace the small beautiful things around you and you will be so much happier, don't let your happiness rest on materialistic gain because then you will never be satisfied. Just know that you are loved simply because you're here!

Tata for now...


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