Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What is Beauty?

Thank God beauty is in the eye of the beholder. However, sometimes I think there is such a thing as universal beauty. It seems no matter where you go in the world men and women seem to prefer Caucasians, light eyes, long silky hair and smaller features. I definitely see the beauty in that image and I've kind of been thinking that it isn't fair to say that the "barbie" look is fake or unrealistic because there are a significant number of people who actually look like that. However, as I said earlier thank God different people are attracted to different features because it can really do a number on your self esteem if you only believe there is one type of beauty.

Recently I saw this commercial... I believe it was for Victoria Secret and what struck me about it was that the models, although different races, all looked exactly the same except for their skin tone and hair colour. Otherwise their features were similar, their hair texture was similar and their bodies were virtually indistinguishable from each other...I found that very interesting.

I do feel however, that our society is becoming more aware of the limits we put on beauty in the media. There is not just one kind of figure that's beautiful or one kind of face or one kind of hair type. Also, I know it's cliche but it's so true, beauty really is on the inside. How many time have you thought someone was beautiful until they opened their mouths? And the reverse is true as well, how many people did you find average looking at first and as they revealed their beautiful spirit and personality you realized how gorgeous this person really was.

I think the bottom line is beauty is in everyone and everything, sometimes it's just not as obvious. Also, people have no control over what they look like (more or less) but they can control how they behave so they should only get credit for the latter don't you think? It really doesn't matter how beautiful your face or hair or body is if you have an ugly heart.

lots of love


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