That's my view from the window behind me. I'm at reception so I get these big bright windows to let in light. Yay! (notice the red cap on the right, that's my fire marshal hat because I'm the fire marshal for our floor :)
I love to nibble on things while at my desk.
I have a lot of nervous habits that I use to self soothe like twirling my hair or bouncing around on my yoga ball at work. It's super fun when there's music to bounce to :) Not to mention I can throw in a few quick crunches when no ones around Hee Hee : D
Another fun thing at work is my Tinkerbell cup. My step sister Simone bought it for me for my birthday a few years ago and I still use it. It's my absolute favorite mug.
A few other trinkets at my desk: My bike helmet (I ride the bixi bikes to work from home every morning), some bridal magazines for my beautiful cousin Mireille (which I have yet to give her.. :s sorry Mireille) some generic Tylenol pills, some multivitamins (which I never take because they smell and taste like poo). Some lotion, a little stuffed koala that my boss Andy gave me when he came back from Australia and a little bucket that I sometimes use to eat my cereal (I didn't have a bowl and the shop downstairs didn't sell any bowls but they were selling a kids sandbox kit at the time and I thought, this will do the trick lol.)
Well I hope you guys are having a great week and a beautiful day.
Love you all
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